Perth, Western Australia: Tiger Resources Limited (ASX: TGS) (“Tiger” or the “Company”) notes that, under the Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) and Royalty Deed (“Royalty Deed”) with Sinomine Fuhai (Hong Kong) Overseas Resource Investment Co., Ltd. (“Sinomine HK”) for the sale of 100% of its shares in Tiger’s subsidiaries (“Transaction”), the parties have a termination right if completion did not occur by 30 June 2018. As noted in Tiger’s last Activities Report for the Quarter Ended 31 March 2018, the complexity of the Transaction resulted in delays and, consequently, completion did not occur by 30 June 2018. However, at this time none of the parties has given notice of termination and they are continuing discussions on terms under which they would be prepared to continue to progress the transaction. The Company has set a timeframe for discussions to be concluded of close of business Perth on Friday 6 July 2018.